“Maharaja,” directed by Nithilan Swaminathan, is a Tamil film starring Vijay Sethupathi and Anurag Kashyap. The film centers around Maharaja, a barber whose prized possession, an iron wastebin named Lakshmi, goes missing. The narrative employs a non-linear structure, gradually revealing the deeper significance of this seemingly mundane object.
The film has received mixed reviews. Vijay Sethupathi’s performance is widely praised for its depth and restraint. He brings a unique charm and intensity to the role, standing out as the emotional core of the movie. Anurag Kashyap, playing the antagonist, also delivers a notable performance, although his character’s motivations are not thoroughly explored
Critics have pointed out that while the screenplay is ambitious, it often relies on convenient plot devices and lacks cohesion. The first half of the movie sets up various storylines in a disjointed manner, which can be engaging but also confusing. The second half attempts to tie these threads together, but some critics feel it does so with too many assumptions and forced twists
The film’s use of dark humor and black comedy is another point of contention. Some moments of levity work well, but others feel out of place in the otherwise intense and dramatic narrative
Overall, “Maharaja” is a flawed yet intriguing film, buoyed by strong performances and an ambitious narrative structure. It offers a unique take on themes of karma and retribution, though its execution may leave some viewers divided